A family of churches, transformed by Christ, revealing God’s kingdom.
CINOC exists to equip churches and leaders as they engage in their mission from God in their communities.
Faith. We cherish a personal and growing experience of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord as the heart of our faith.
Community. We value our sense of community in Christ in our family of churches, in Associations and other groups, in local churches and with other Christians as God’s people, recognizing our accountability to each other.
Mission. Our unifying purpose is to glorify God through reaching individuals for Christ through our witness to Christ’s presence, love and saving power.
Churches. We place importance on the local congregation as the body of believers established for worship, spiritual growth, fellowship and mission.
Cooperation. We promote voluntary partnerships with others to do things which individual churches can accomplish more effectively together.
Leadership. We recognize, as a priority focus, the development, training and support of pastoral leaders.
Learning. We place special importance on each individual learning to be a disciple, a lifelong process which involves studying scripture, reflecting on and practicing faith, engaging in personal and corporate mission and discerning and using spiritual gifts.
Prayer. We are convinced that effectiveness in ministry is dependent upon prayer. Therefore, the dreaming, planning and execution of ministry will be saturated in prayer.
Resource churches Stimulate a climate for mission growth by supporting and guiding churches, encouraging innovation and making available the best training, resources and consulting so that they can engage their mission for God in their community.
Develop leaders Enhance training, development and support for pastors and leaders and help people discover and exercise their gifts in the service of Jesus.
Foster partnerships Identify and build partnerships with and among churches, in associations and with other Kingdom builders.
Strengthen relationships and identity Encourage our sense of shared relationship and identity as the Canadian International Network of Churches.