The living church is missional. Reaching out into our communities is what we are called to do as followers of Jesus—to share his Good News with those around us. CINOC supports its churches with grants, refugee support, resources and more to help your church welcome people into Jesus’ kingdom. Find out how your church can access a grant for innovative ministry or learn about sponsoring a refugee below.
CINOC provides grants to help our churches access ministry opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. We support the innovative, sustainable and replicable ideas of our churches so that when God calls them to take a leap of faith, we are able to come alongside them—and share those good ideas with other churches. As funding allows, CINOC offers small to medium sized grants to member churches wishing to begin or expand outward-focused ministry. CINOC grants can help start new ministries, or give a boost to existing ones to help them flourish. While the goal is always to work toward sustainability, sometimes a grant can help to get a good idea off the ground and create incredible opportunities to shine the light of Christ into new places. We serve a creative God, who is able to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. We are blessed to have the opportunity to equip our churches and leaders as they engage in their mission from God. The grants deadline for spring 2020 has now passed. Our next deadline will be in the fall. Application and eligibility criteria will be available at that time.
No one is a refugee by choice. Thousands of people are forced to flee their homes out of fear for their lives and liberty. Imagine leaving behind everything you know – food, culture, friends, family. Imagine leaving behind your home, your possessions, your security. Imagine arriving in a strange land with only what you can carry. Imagine finding yourself in a refugee camp, living in a tent, wondering if you will ever be home again. CINOC supports refugees in two different ways:
The Canadian Private Sponsorship of Refugees program uniquely allows groups to sponsor refugees. Sponsorship is a commitment to ensure that sponsored refugees have the necessary support to integrate into life in Canada. This is a legal commitment providing basic financial support and care for the sponsored refugee(s) for 12 months. CINOC acts as the “Agreement Holder” with the Government of Canada. CINOC member churches may sponsor refugees as Constituent Groups under this overarching agreement. The process can be challenging but also fulfilling. Helping a refugee resettle in Canada gives them a chance to be home again, a chance to rebuild their lives. You can help.