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Donating to CINOC

Canadian International Network of Churches exists to equip our churches and leaders to engage in their mission from God in their community.

Together we’re starting new churches and developing fresh expressions of the Gospel. We’re helping churches respond to rapid change in our culture and communities through coaching, workshops and resources. We’re providing grants to help congregations explore new missional ideas and opportunities.

New! Donate through Interac

NEW! CINOC now accepts Interac e-Transfer for donations, church contributions, and payments. Please use as the recipient email address to give via Interact e-Transfer, noting the fund you would like your donation to be designated to in the message field. Non-designated donations will go to our General Fund. For church contributions, please note your church code as well.

Advancing our Mission

To achieve our vision and advance our mission, CINOC provides resources, events, training, services and more. And, we share the stories of your successes with the rest of the family to encourage you, share your ideas, build connections and let you know what God is doing in and through our churches. Our teams are dedicated to serving all the parts of your church in different ways.

Thank you for giving faithfully to your church, and for continuing your church’s financial partnership with us. Through you and your church, CINOC can continue to serve its churches as we shine brightly with the light of Jesus all across Canada.

Church Life & Leadership

Church Life & Leadership equips and enhances the capacity of church leaders to build and disciple thriving congregations. 

Through accreditation, clergy care support, church planting, grants, training, partnership opportunities, resources, events and more, the Church Life and Leadership team is strengthening and expanding the ways in which CINOC supports its family of churches.

Communications & Member Care

Communications and Member Care builds and strengthens a sense of family and community between CINOC churches and with CINOC as an organization through sharing stories, information and promoting opportunities for cooperation and collaboration. We champion the vision, mission and values of CINOC to our member churches, staff and volunteers and we ensure we have the people and funding in place to advance our mission.

Next Generation Ministries

Next Generation Ministries exists to serve God by mobilizing and developing youth and children’s workers and their churches across Canada. Through CINOC Youth, CINOC Children and Family, Camp Kwasind and alongside Christian agencies, we effectively engage children, youth and their families with the person and message of Jesus, empowering them in their journey towards being fully-committed Christ-followers and reaching their God-given potential.

Finance & Administration

Finance & Administration provides stewardship for the resources that are entrusted to us through the sacrificial giving of our churches and equip church treasurers with the resources and training they need to support your church well. In addition, we ensure sound governance and annual audit and regulatory compliance.

Partner Support

We also contribute to the successes of our partner organizations, CINOC Ministries, McMaster Divinity College, the Union CINOC and more!

How CINOC allocates each dollar:

Church Life and Leadership
Church Life and Leadership 44%
Next Generation Ministries
Communications and Member Care
Communications and Member Care 15%
Partner Support

Designating your Gift

There are many ways you may designate your gift:

  • Fellowship fund

    Caring for our pastors and ministry leaders is a vital part of who we are at CINOC. You can join us in supporting those who have served and continue to serve your churches and ministries faithfully by giving to the Fellowship Fund.

    • Bulletin Insert

    • Projected slide image (standard)

    • Projected slide image (wide)

  • Sponsor a church to attend Assembly

  • Local missions fund

Giving as a Church

It is only through the contributions of our family of churches that we can fulfill our mission to equip our churches and leaders. We ask that churches include CINOC as a budget line each year and consider the level of giving God is calling your church to give. Through your church’s financial partnership, we are able to provide care, resources, and assistance to your fellow CINOC congregations.

Giving as an Individual

In addition to the financial partnership of our churches, CINOC relies on the faithful giving of individuals (over and above their regular giving to their local church) who believe in the vision and mission of CINOC. With your support, we can resource our churches well for the sake of the Kingdom.

You can give now through our online donation form at the bottom of this page!